The importance of building fun into your life shouldn’t be underestimated.  In the words of the Greek philosopher Herodotus “If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it”.

Like many of my clients, at times I’ve struggled with Covid and its seemingly unrelenting nature.

I’ve shared below a few tools that have brought lightness and energy back to my life, when I was feeling at a low ebb.

Finding joy

Many of our habitual ways of letting off steam are no longer possible. Reflecting on the simple things that brought you joy as a child and reconnecting with them, can inject each day with a burst of happiness. This may be drawing, playing the piano, free-style dancing or sea-swimming. In the height of the first lockdown, I used to walk around the block, swapping my runners for a pair of golden ankle boots ……dressing up filled me with hope and a sense of fun, putting a bounce back into my step.


Pausing over the course of the day to re-centre is very powerful. For many of us, mindfulness can become yet another chore on the to-do list. However, you can infuse your day with mindfulness in simple, quick ways that yield massive dividends. Why not take three intentional breaths before starting each zoom meeting? Not keen on meditation? No problem. Find another way to transition between tasks that works for you. If you’re a visual person this could be focusing your undivided attention on an object of beauty. If you prefer sound… listen to birdsong for thirty seconds. Figure out what works for you. The important thing is losing yourself in the act.

Listen to your body

For those of you who are introverts, having time to yourself is a life line, yet can easily be forgotten in the middle of a busy week. This is exactly what happened to one of my clients who by focusing on the needs of her children, had included them in all of her daily routines, leaving her with no headspace. Simple adjustment gave her the time she needed to re-energise for the day ahead.


Taking small steps to have fun and re-centre your self can be transformative not just for you, but those in your circle. It will help set a tone for every interaction shaping more positive outcomes in your work and home life. Remember “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” (Bernard Shaw)

About the author

Laura McGrath is an Executive Coach with a background in executive search and career coaching. She has a post graduate qualification in Executive Coaching from the IMI and has been a guest lecturer with Trinity College Dublin and TU Dublin. For more information call 087 669 1192.