Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Boost Your Confidence and Thrive

Recently, I conducted a survey on LinkedIn to explore the key challenges individuals face when changing jobs. Among the responses received, one issue stood out as the highest ranking challenge: imposter syndrome. An astounding 70% of participants cited this as their number one struggle.

Understanding the significance of this challenge, I want to provide you with practical tips and strategies to help you overcome imposter syndrome and increase your confidence.

Normalize Feelings of Insecurity:

First and foremost, it’s important to recognize that feeling insecure when starting a new role is normal. Nerves are natural in unfamiliar environments. What sets individuals apart is how they respond to these initial anxieties and how long those feelings persist.

Explore the Root Cause:

For many people, imposter syndrome stems from a lack of self-belief that can be traced back to childhood experiences. Often, a critical authority figure, such as a parent or teacher, set extremely high standards and provided little encouragement. As an adult, you are in control of your own destiny. Remind yourself that feedback is subjective and can be selectively considered. Challenge the inner voice derived from your childhood, dial down its volume, and regain control.

Define “Good Enough”:

Perfectionism often fuels imposter syndrome. Setting impossibly high standards leads to self-defeating thoughts and behaviors when these goals aren’t achieved. Combat this by seeking clear expectations and understanding what “good enough” truly means. Embrace the concept that excellence lies within a reasonable, attainable range.

Master Your Self-Talk:

Gary Keegan, the Irish Rugby coach, emphasized the power of self-belief at a recent conference. When uncertainty strikes, focus on your breath. Breathing intentionally signals your brain that you are safe and helps manage your emotions. Take three or four deliberate breaths to slow your breathing pattern. Another effective strategy is to transfer your ruminating thoughts onto paper. Externalizing your fears promotes objectivity and enables you to dismiss many of them.


By implementing these strategies, you can take control of your imposter syndrome, boost your confidence, and thrive in your new role. Remember, you possess the ability to rewrite your narrative and embrace your true capabilities. Believe in yourself, and success will follow.

About the author

Laura McGrath is an EMCC accredited coach who has worked with clients such as Gucci, Amazon, Schneider, BNP Paribas as well as many start up tech companies on Leadership Development programmes. For a consultation, mail her on laura@isoar.ie

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